Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Car plunges off 8th floor parking lot, one killed
JAKARTA (JP): A man has died after the car he was driving plunged from the eighth floor of a high-rise parking lot in South Jakarta on Tuesday.Heryawan, 42, accidentally backed his car through the steel fence of the parking lot. He was killed almost instantly.
The incident happened at around 10:30 a.m. after Heryawan had dropped his employer at a meeting in the Menara Jamsostek building on Jl. Gatot Subroto.
The victim, a resident of Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta, had worked as a driver for an insurance agency for 15 years.
The car fell on the passenger side of a moving vehicle, before hitting the ground upside down.
The two people inside the car it hit sustained only minor injuries.
Last year, two similar accidents took place at the Permata Hijau International Trade Center in Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta.